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Probleme mit Offline Karten

deleted user 1 year ago updated by GCDroid Support 3 weeks ago 1

Ich verwende GCDroid mit Offlinekarten von OpenAndroMaps.

Seit geraumer Zeit kann ich aber keine neueren Karten mehr einspielen, weil die V5 Karten bei mir nicht richtig dargestellt werden.

Wenn ich dagegen die V3 Karten vom September 2019 verwende, dann funktioniert alles wunderbar.

Ich habe zur Verdeutlichung zwei Screenshots mit exakt dem selben Kartenausschnitt unten angehängt.

Mache ich was falsch, oder wird V5 einfach nicht unterstützt?

Image 371

Image 372
GCDroid Support 3 weeks ago

gefixt mit GCDroid/WheriDroid und der neuen Karten lib


Live map loading from a larger zoom distance

sernikk 3 years ago updated by novw nl 3 years ago 1

Currently, the Live map works only when you zoom the map to a certain level, in any other case the map is "Live paused". When I bought the app I was really confused, now I'm used to it but I never liked how it works. I would love to have an option to load caches from further away. I know that's something different, but I would use c:geo as a reference, where all caches load regardless of the zoom. I guess (hope) there is no limitation on that from the API side?

I often plan where to go next (on bigger distances), and the only way to do that, is to zoom out (very far) activate normal search and copy all caches to offline DB. That is not convenient on short trips, or when the plans change. Actually, this is never convenient ;)

So I would propose a setting, where you can change the zoom level required to activate "Live map". I know it may get laggy sometimes, but I'm still in favor of that - I like to see where I can go, being able to load caches in a whole city with one refresh of the Live map, and not having to zoom to different districts. That's one of the things that bothers me for some time already. The default setting could be as it is now, so it wouldn't change anything for others who like how it is.


To be more precise I've recorded a short video. I'm being zoomed out a little bit more, and can't see any caches (and I would love to see!). I have to go very deep to be able to see anything. That's just frustrating.

Youtube video

Under review

Höhenlinien und andere Objekte auf der Karte einblenden

Jürgen Kimmel (Lemmi1de) 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 3

Aktuell scheint keine Funktion vorhanden zu sein, dass man die Höhenlinien auf der Karte erkennen kann. Betrifft die Offline- wie auch die Onlinekarten.

Ich kenne das von den Mapsforge Maps mit passendem Theme, da kann man aktuell auswählen, was man auf der Karte sehen möchte. Ist der Haken im Theme gesetzt, dann kann man die auch sehen.

Fände sowas total praktisch bei längeren Touren.

Es gibt ja eine Möglichkeit bei anderen Apps die diversen Inhalte auf der Karte, die man gerne sehen möchte (u.a. Höhenlinien, Sitzbänke, spezielle Wege/Objekte usw.) einzublenden. Ich fände es schön, wenn es hier auch möglich wäre.


trackable - Vorlagentexte anlegen können

Carsten Vogt (glider74) 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 2

Wie beim Loggen der Caches wäre ein Vorlagen Text toll.
Gesehen auf dem Giga in Hamburg.
Under review

Submit any waypoint as Corrected coordinate via the API

magma1447 5 years ago updated by Brian Lang 3 days ago 5

When doing a Multi or other geocache with multiple steps I usually add a new waypoint for each step. Seldom do I know when it was the last step and my final waypoint in GCDroid could then be named something like "step 7".

I then want to save that Final to  Geocaching.com for future use, to see cache collisions for example. As it works today, I need to read the coordinates from my last waypoint, edit the "original" and add them there, and submit online.

I would like to be able to push any waypoint to Geocaching.com as corrected coordinates to simplify this flow.


Purge old/obsolete map tiles

magma1447 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 1

Again, I love the caching of map tiles that GCDroid does. However, some of my tiles are several years old, and they potentially has changed on the tile server by now. Quite likely in the outside areas of cities where new construction is happening all the time. Or satellite images which are "regularly" updated. Most important for Openstreetmap though, since it's community updated.

I would suggest the following change in the flow.

1) Use whatever tiles that are cached, exactly like now.

2) If the tiles is older than X days (configurable, 30-1000 maybe), use that tile while fetching a new fresh one.

3) Replace the used map tile with a new one once fetched, if they differ (crc32 or similar).

Not sure what is actually doable with the map library you are using, but this is my suggestion without any technical insight. You can probably figure out variants that technically works out.

Under review

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, den Cache Filter so zu erweitern, das er "abgelaufende" Events ausblendet?

Ralf von Lienen 5 years ago updated by Carsten Vogt (glider74) 5 years ago 6

Es ist bei der Suche nach aktuellen Events, gerade in Ballungsgebieten echt nervig, wenn von 10 angezeigten Events, 5 in der Vergangenheit liegen. Hier könnte ein einfacher Filter Eventdatum >= Tagesdatum sofort Abhilfe schaffen. Gerade in einer App wo man nicht wie im Browser ein SlideOver / FirstKlick mit den Basisinformationen realisieren kann.



DOC-WHO 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 3

Long  pressing the GC-CODE copies it.


Load all waypoints from a labcache series

Manfred 2 weeks ago 0

At the moment GCDroid only loads the place, where the Lab is set.
It would be nice to load all waypoints of a labcache round.
On https://gcutils.de/lab2gpx/ you can load gpx files, with all waypoints.


Image 381


Image 382


Temporary template log

magma1447 2 years ago 0

Whenever I log in the field, I usually have a short snippet on what we are doing/planning that day. It could be something like "On a short Sunday bicycle trip with X in our home town." Then I write another 1-2 sentences about the find itself.

I usually solve this by writing my copy-snippet, and copying that into the phones c/p memory. Then I paste that for each new find, and write the rest. I know a lot of people caching like this, especially on smaller trips where they/we log online. Bigger trips I am only doing drafts.

Anyway. What I propose is a way to store a temporary text/template, from the log cache-view. One that's simple to retrieve from there, just as simple as holding and pressing paste. Potentially it could even allowed for 3-5 slots of temporary logs.

Why? Doesn't pasting works? Yes it does, until I need to copy something else. It might not be geocaching related, but it might also be a coordinate that I want to run in a checker or whatever. Yesterday we logged 9 caches, and twice I had to rewrite my copy-snippet from scratch. :/

What I propose in more detail is a new button in the Log cache-form. I don't have a good name for it though, Memory maybe? Like calculators as MS, MR, M+. By clicking on it you get a two column pull down. Left has numbers 1-5 and is a restore of the saved logs. Right side is a save, one per save spot.

Sure. The templates can be used for this as well. But personally I feel it's more cumbersome, and I have to clean up old template logs that I don't use. This is more for really temporary use.

PS! I never use the template logs.