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Will it continue?

Saduser 3 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 3 years ago 1

It looks like this project has fallen asleep. No update for over a year and no information when it will continue.

Even the simplest things are not changed.

It is pointless to express ideas here, if they are not observed.

As is so often the case, apps that are only managed by one person seem to be going down the drain.

It's a shame, I think the app is basically good.

GCDroid Support 3 years ago

Sorry, life got in the way of fun. 

During the last 18 month I moved, my wife passed away and we were hit by a pandemic.

Things did not go as planned but I did just release a new beta V2.0.6-RC6 earlier today.

I hope there are no major hiccups and it will be released soon.

Thanks for your patience and sorry it took so long.


Pocket Query Download

Brian Bower 5 years ago updated by Domien Van Rompaey 3 years ago 3

I am new to this app, so I apologize if I am missing how to do this. I would like to see a way to select and import multiple pocket queries at one time into the same database. Presently, I have to click and download each pocket query individually, which is a bit cumbersome as I have 9 pocket queries for caches around my area that I download twice per week.


Caches mit persönlicher Cache Note Kennzeichnen

Hannes Respondek 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 2


ich fände es hilfreich wenn man Caches, welche einen persönlichen Cache Note Eintrag haben, auf der Livekarte als solches erkennbar sind.

Bei GC sieht das im Listing so aus:

Image 92

Wenn ich Caches mit wichtigen Wertungen für mich finde schreibe ich eine Note rein , weshalb der Cache für mich besonders ist ist. Bei C:Geo sieht man z.B.anhand eines Stifts am Cachesymbol das eine persönliche Note vorliegt. Dann brauche ich nur den Cache anzuklicken und weiß warum ich den damals markiert habe und das sich ein Umweg lohnt um z.B. in der Tradi Matrix eine Lücke zu füllen.


Import Virtual GPS list from Project-GC

magma1447 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 12

Implement a way to import Virtual GPS lists directly from Project-GC. This would be very similar to importing Bookmark lists from Geocaching.com.

Three things required:

1) Under settings somewhere, a field to add a Project-GC access token.

2) Using an API method to retrieve all Virtual GPS lists (id, name) the user has.

3) Be able to fetch all cacheIds or Gccodes from a specific Virtual GPS id.

I haven't tested the "Import bookmark list", but I assume it fetches the cache data itself after it has the list of geocaches. It would have to be the same way here since Project-GC ain't allowed to send the cache details to another partner.

GCDroid Support 5 years ago

implemented... :-)


Improved Share corrected coordinates/waypoint

magma1447 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 1

Today one can share Waypoints or corrected coordinates as a chat message which can be sent via Instant message or Email for example. I love this and use it quite a lot. My girlfriend go on quite a few geocaching trips and sometimes we head for some mystery or similar that only one of us have solved. We can then send the Final coordinate via Whatsapp to each other.

What would make it smoother was if there was a manifest link that was clickable which GCDroid understood. I don't know how it works exactly technically, but I am thinking exactly like http://coord.info/GCXXXX will trigger GCDroid, and it understands the link. My thought is having a clickable link like gcdroid://cachewaypoint/GCXXXX/55.31234,13.4433 for example.

I hope it makes sense what I am after.


Map icon in cache description/logbook

magma1447 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 7

This is something that many would call a bug. I call it a design error.

When reading the cache description for a geocache with a fairly long

description, it's not fully readable. At least not if the last lines has full width. The “map”-icon is placed on
top of the description.

This can be solved in many ways I guess. Two of the suggestions I have:

1) Append some new lines after the description so that one can scroll further down.

2) Make it so that one can drag the description further and that it bounces back to lowest point when releasing the finger. This feels like something that is typical Android behavior.

The logbook has the same issue actually.

GCDroid Support 5 years ago

I know what you mean. there is a similar post already. there the idea is to use transparency.

My current thought is (unless I remove the button all together) to fade it to 20% transparency when no screen touch happens for X seconds, on screen touch it shows again and after X seconds of idle it will fade.

If X is let's say 3-5s then you can start reading and it will be faded out (but still visible and usable) by the time you get there.

what is your thought to that idea?


GPS Averaging

magma1447 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 4

There are at least two applications on Google Play for GPS Averaging. I use one called “GPS Averaging. The other one is called “Geocache placer” or something similar.

It would be a nice bonus to have such feature built into GCDroid in
the main menu, just as you have the flashlight. One could then chose
to save it as an independent waypoint  (https://gcdroid.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/35-create-independent-waypoints).

This could also be used as an improved alternative to the GPS button when creating new, or editing, waypoints.

Under review

open Cache Listing by fieldnote

Carsten Vogt (glider74) 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 1

Zu Liste hinzufügen in der Livekarte

Constantin Reiter 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 1

Es wäre zu Planungszwecken super, wenn man Caches direkt aus der Livekarte auf eine Lesezeichenliste setzten könnte, quasi unter dem Button "gehe zu" oder "Navi". So kann man sich schnell eine kleine Tour zusammenklicken.


Ist GCDroid tot?

deleted user 1 year ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 days ago 2

In diesem Forum gibt es kaum noch Antworten vom GCDroid Support.

Eine E-Mail von mir an den GCDroid Support ist seit 5 Monaten unbeantwortet.

Die Seite gcdroid.com lässt sich nicht mehr aufrufen.

Ist GCDroid tot?

GCDroid Support 5 days ago

Nein, war nut eine Auszeit....

GCDroid / WheriDroid wird hier bald live sein mit updates: GCDroid - Geocaching - Apps on Google Play