Under review

Corrected Coordinates lost on refresh

nagi 3 years ago updated by novw nl 3 years ago 2

When I go to waypoints and correct the coordinates (same when using a GSAK DB with corrected coords) and then use refresh in GCDroid this correction including the new coords are lost

From my point of view a correcteion should not be lost during an update is it is localally and not on gc.com. Only the listing original coords and waypoints (not user related) should be updated

Under review

well yes and no...

GCDroid supports creating and deleting corrected coords and when used correctly online and GCDroid should by in sync.

I always keep my corrected coords online as well....

Probllem arises when I am offline. I change coords, but gcdroid can not change them online. As soon as I go back online, coords are te-downloaded instead of uploaded first.