
Live map loading from a larger zoom distance

sernikk 3 years ago updated by novw nl 3 years ago 1

Currently, the Live map works only when you zoom the map to a certain level, in any other case the map is "Live paused". When I bought the app I was really confused, now I'm used to it but I never liked how it works. I would love to have an option to load caches from further away. I know that's something different, but I would use c:geo as a reference, where all caches load regardless of the zoom. I guess (hope) there is no limitation on that from the API side?

I often plan where to go next (on bigger distances), and the only way to do that, is to zoom out (very far) activate normal search and copy all caches to offline DB. That is not convenient on short trips, or when the plans change. Actually, this is never convenient ;)

So I would propose a setting, where you can change the zoom level required to activate "Live map". I know it may get laggy sometimes, but I'm still in favor of that - I like to see where I can go, being able to load caches in a whole city with one refresh of the Live map, and not having to zoom to different districts. That's one of the things that bothers me for some time already. The default setting could be as it is now, so it wouldn't change anything for others who like how it is.


To be more precise I've recorded a short video. I'm being zoomed out a little bit more, and can't see any caches (and I would love to see!). I have to go very deep to be able to see anything. That's just frustrating.

Youtube video

There is an official answer elsewhere about this. My trick: zoom in till live map works and drag the map east to west a couple of times. Move south a bit and repeat the east-west drag. Repeat over the entire area you are interested in. Gcdroid will load, and remember, the caches that are in the area you just dragged the map over.