Your comments

Its a known bug. And is being worked on as far as I know. 

Sigh. No edit option on userecho

There seems to be no way to actually close a topic (for me)? 

I come from gdak. Don't think it had the dnf icon? 

There is an official answer elsewhere about this. My trick: zoom in till live map works and drag the map east to west a couple of times. Move south a bit and repeat the east-west drag. Repeat over the entire area you are interested in. Gcdroid will load, and remember, the caches that are in the area you just dragged the map over. 

Agree. Although probably the less tech savvy users might get confused when they have selected for example "FTF search" and live map doesn't work anymore because it has to be switched back on (happened to me... I was completely lost as to why the map wasn't working anymore and needed help from the programmer). By making it a more conscious decision to first switch off live map, maybe some people will remember to switch it back on... 

Correct. You need to be on the "overview" tab, but works. I don't know why I suggested this. 

Agreed. I never understood why I can't copy (part of the) cache description from the cache description itself. Specially with formulas and or coordinates its an extra hassle to switch to html or page source. 

Why? And how? A great story is (usually) not helpful when I read logs to find a cache in the field. And I don't care (sorry 😉 ) about great stories when I need a hint from a log... A helpful log might help me, but (from what I understand) gcdroid should than download _all_ logs and see which ones are labeled helpful. I don't know about your situation, but mobile data is extremely expensive where I live and I don't need to spend it on a wild shot to maybe find a helpful log. 

In the Netherlands we have an app called CCC. It is based on a website that scrapes all find-logs from all caches in the Netherlands and stores which user found the cache and when. I than can give my contact info to that website so when people are stuck on a cache I have found, they could contact me for help. This works surprisingly well, but is too local to implement in a gcdroid app. And an international implementation requires some way to scrape all logs, from all caches and all users... 

I would LOVE this, but... 3 things : 

What happens when my (android) phone is in my pocket with the screen off? I mean : Google will switch of the app until I turn on the screen again. I don't think it is possible to grab location to an app while screen is off. Even Google maps can't do that. Try: turn on Google maps. Turn off screen. Move a km. Turn on screen. Google maps still has you at the old location, and will only update when you turn on screen again.

Besides, grabbing location when the screen is off is a battery killer. When is gcdroid turned off completely? Task killer? App not in front? 

And lastly : Google will look at this and think "nope. Privacy invasion that is not made by us".

So in my opinion this would only work while screen is ON. Please tell me I am wrong 😳