Faster switching between Search Modes

sernikk 3 years ago updated by novw nl 3 years ago 1

It would be much better if switching from the live map to other search modes would require fewer steps.

What I mean is, when the Live Map is enabled, all other modes are greyed out (photo, red). It would be better if they would be instantly pressable, and clicking them would automatically disable the Live Map - quicker, faster, better in my opinion.

Image 335

Agree. Although probably the less tech savvy users might get confused when they have selected for example "FTF search" and live map doesn't work anymore because it has to be switched back on (happened to me... I was completely lost as to why the map wasn't working anymore and needed help from the programmer). By making it a more conscious decision to first switch off live map, maybe some people will remember to switch it back on...