Your comments


Why  won't  GCVOTE  be  supported?

it  provides  a  better  scale.

My  understanding  is  that  it's  not  a  theme,  it's  perhaps  a  hack,  only  utilizing  the  Red  Raster  for  screen  display.

OK, I've now realized that zooming  into the map and refreshing the Live Map with caches improves the results.

However im expecting to see Potential FTFs Only. This is not what I see.

Regarding  the  search  area,  is  it  worth  adding  a  small   crosshairs  to  map  denoting  search  center?

OK I see the issue.

is  it  possible  to  just  open  the  profile  page and  skip  down  to  the  matrix  section?

I  hoped  you  would  adopt  this,  it's  a  very  handy  visual  aid  on  the  map,  once  again  it's  a  visual  caching  preference.  I  like  many  are  very  map  oriented  in  our  use  of  caching  apps.   Whilst  GPS  unit  users  are  list  oriented.  Thanks  anyways.

I've only used it from the cache details Tab, it's here I've usually confirmed I need to tell someone the GC-CODE for a reason or make a list.

To have copy on the map would be a bonus, but the  quickness of it all is perhaps slowed by not having cache names on the map.

The  long  press  fade  out  sounds  good.

it  was  used  in  cachesense  on  the  map  to  fade  zoom  buttons. 

Having  an  offline  map  is  very  important  to  me.   It  seems  everywhere  I  travel  there  is  no   mobile  reception.  I  am  always  switching  to  offline  maps  because  googlemaps  won't  load.  I  also  use  other  contour  maps  when   planning  remote  cache  navigation.

If  it  comes  down  to  space  I  agree

ok,  could  you  add  the  string  "/? "to  denote  all  logs  are  not  loaded  perhaps,  or  color  it  red  to  denote  not  all  logs  loaded.?