Your comments

Guess we just continue via email :-)

PS: I'm ready :-)

Guess one would have to review the terms... if it is allowed (somehow I doubt since google offers a paid service) it's something I would be ok with doing. Otherwise not...

Code snippet:

* Utilities used for translating
public final class TranslationUtils {

private static final String TRANSLATION_WEBSITE = "";
private static final String TRANSLATION_FORCE_CLASSIC_MODE = "?vi=c";
private static final String TRANSLATION_AUTO_SELECT = "#auto";
private static final String TRANSLATION_FIELD_SEPARATOR = "|";

private static final int TRANSLATION_TEXT_LENGTH_WARN = 500;
private static final String TRANSLATION_APP = "";

Technically online OSM should use same data as offline OSM. You just need to find a decent map. But the source is the same. Of course there is always local options and Google ;-)

I guess I SHOULD have known lol... cgeo scrapes the website ;-) Guess one way of doing it...

Nope, don't think it is free.... I wish :-(

Not sure what service they are using in cgeo though but I will check

I always wanted to change how this works. I'll think about what I can do and how I would do it.

This would be solved with multiple DBs open at the same time (one of them the live DB).

question would be how to visually mark them? feel free to attach a mockup screenshot with your idea. In general I do like the idea of more than one DB. Just the highlighting is what I am unsure about. But a screenshot can convince me :-)

Tricky topic in terms of license but also which tile server to pick... I still think the better idea is the offline maps for this...

naja es ist ja ne suche... FTF/Owned/etc... ersetzen mit WAS?