
Map icon in cache description/logbook

magma1447 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 7

This is something that many would call a bug. I call it a design error.

When reading the cache description for a geocache with a fairly long

description, it's not fully readable. At least not if the last lines has full width. The “map”-icon is placed on
top of the description.

This can be solved in many ways I guess. Two of the suggestions I have:

1) Append some new lines after the description so that one can scroll further down.

2) Make it so that one can drag the description further and that it bounces back to lowest point when releasing the finger. This feels like something that is typical Android behavior.

The logbook has the same issue actually.


Under review

I know what you mean. there is a similar post already. there the idea is to use transparency.

My current thought is (unless I remove the button all together) to fade it to 20% transparency when no screen touch happens for X seconds, on screen touch it shows again and after X seconds of idle it will fade.

If X is let's say 3-5s then you can start reading and it will be faded out (but still visible and usable) by the time you get there.

what is your thought to that idea?

Under review

I know what you mean. there is a similar post already. there the idea is to use transparency.

My current thought is (unless I remove the button all together) to fade it to 20% transparency when no screen touch happens for X seconds, on screen touch it shows again and after X seconds of idle it will fade.

If X is let's say 3-5s then you can start reading and it will be faded out (but still visible and usable) by the time you get there.

what is your thought to that idea?


Not sure. I guess it has to be tested in the field a bit. It's not seldom I scroll to the end and want to read the last lines only. Then I will have to wait a bit for that button to disappear. But it sounds like an improvement regardless.

I think I would have the time rather short (max 3s) since it is not removing the button it is still fully usable.

I also need to see how that looks :-)

I would also prefere one of the magma suggestions. 

The  long  press  fade  out  sounds  good.

it  was  used  in  cachesense  on  the  map  to  fade  zoom  buttons. 


implemented according to highlighted answer...