Your comments

sorry I really don't get it.

can you please provide the exact steps describing what you are doing and what you would expect vs what you see. ideally with screenshots.

disappeared from where? you can only see it on the cache details view.

not sure I understand. screenshots?

There is an issue but it is on HQ side... No more friends reported back to me!

Filed bugreport with HQ.

Will still close this here since it is nothing I can/have to do.

ok, no idea....

I wanted to make it dynamic but that has many extra problems.


a) change date format to something shorter

b) make it 2 lines for everyone

I have an idea but not sure if it will work ;-)

tap the button bottom right, just like google maps it will keep map centered on you. tap again and it will auto-rotate.

move the map and it turns off.

I am not willing to add extra features for users that disable GPS. This is an essential part of this game and the honest saving is barely measurable. Looking at the map in GCDroid with or without battery will not give you anythings noticeable.

use for home is too rare and random that it justifies wasting screen space permanently...

and HQ allows users to opt-in and out of sharing of this data. extra work for these guys...

Will close this topic as all that will be implemented is already done.

Auto-zoom was already discussed before and rejected.

GCDroid allows sorting by 1 (one) thing at a time. If I would add sorting like that it still would not be useful...

Let's say I would sort by degrees and 0 is at top, what if you are traveling at 359 degrees? That would be end of the list.

180 would be middle. You would never find things.

There is not an easy USEFUL way of doing this... so no.

as explained before... Friends is only a filter!

it does NOT load all friends logs. it filter them out of the main log list.

if you have no friends logs there the tab will go away and show again once the list contains friends logs.

can you confirm that the main logs tab has or has not any of your friends log?

and for me there is enough space for twice the length :-(

this is one thing I have about Android.... too many devices that are soooooooo different!

nein, der modus war mehr zum spass... bei anderen offline themes werden die cache auch nicht anders gemalt.

zu viel aufwand...

geocaching ist ein SUCH-SPIEL ;-)