Your comments

I agree. Loading all the logs is just not fun just to see friends logs - because these are the logs which I'm mainly interested in.

Seeing friends logs after loading the cache for the first time would be great!

Some time passed, and I'm still really missing this feature :(

That is exactly what I'm missing too. Doing multi-caches or mysteries is very inconvenient.

This feature would change that

I was using this feature in c:geo and was logging offline, so my foundcounter was still at eg. 1234 in each fieldnote. I changed it then at home adding +1 on each log.

Is there any possibility to have a counter which takes your current number of finds (for example 1000), then adds +1 - so the fieldnote has 1001, and then basing on saved fieldnotes increases the number while logging any other fieldnote? So logging the next cache will give me the possibility to have it automaticaly set to 1002 so I don't have to do it at home later.
That would be a really amazing feature.

And btw. a #findcounter same as working c:geo would be fine too. I think GCDroid Support wants to eliminate all possible cases which may interrupt the counter, but that is not needed in my opinion. People using the app and its features are aware of many problems which may occur.