Your comments

I just did a test, and the app already does it. Adding something to the user note from the PC, and then refreshing the same cache in GCDroid is updating the note (user note).

As this is one of the top-notch missing features for me, and the creator is just now going through the userecho, I would love to bump it too :)

Two years passed, and it would be good to see some feature regarding this topic.

In my opinion something like on project-gc:

There is also a service called DeepL which translates most text very well

This would make wherigo at least a little less painful, so why would you not want this feature? :)

I've noticed this feature is now under the regular #time for over 4 months - at least my logs converted into 24h time format. I think this can be closed as the issue is not there anymore :)

One more thing:
I would love to see an option in the coordinates edit mode, to enable Plain as default - not having to switch every time from the DDD MM.MMM. That combined with the feature requested in this topic would finally make gcdroid not missing any important feature (for me) compared to c:geo :)

This feature is missing! +1

You mean hiding logs from users which are not helpful? Oh boi, a blacklist would be cool! :D