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But is there such setting in Android? In my Vanilla Android (Google Pixel) I can only find the option to change between 12/24h format, nothing regarding dates.

I am using default. But I can't find anywhere in Android where I can set a date format. Neither can I figure out any place where I would see which date format the phone actually uses. Every place I look at seem to use a longer format; "Apr 12 2019", "Fri Apr 29"...

As language within GCDroid? It would be nice if it had its own setting actually. I doubt all English speaking countries has the same date formats. Personally I run almost everything in English, yet I still want a Swedish date format (for example).

I am still using the old app, but my date format has always been MM/DD/YYYY I think, or maybe DD/MM/YYYY. Both are wrong to me since I am used to ISO standard. This has always been troublesome since I never know if DD or MM is first (since both formats exists in the world).

I assume this is how it works, since all logs will have to be fetch. A small indicator/notation about this would be appreciated though. I don't think many users who don't understand the API gets this. The old version had the same issue for log images, maybe that is changed now with the new API?

Further reading says that go4cache has been dead since 2012. And to me it felt like it was just 2-3 years ago I used it. I am really starting to get old. Time just flies by.

I have a slight memory of c:geo using go4cache, but didn't find anything on it when I googled. Maybe it's a system that has died off? I can find some (swedish) forum posts about, but it's a dead domain.

It could, maybe, be something that Project-GC could host a generic open to use system for, that could be shared by different apps. Using the same token system that we used for import VGPS. I would have to consider if it's worth it though. Considering GDPR and such as well.

Sounds reasonable to hold off until you know how the edit part will be designed/implemented. Regarding the database thingies, it might be an alternative to use the open in web browser then. At least until you know exactly how you would like it to work otherwise.

Maybe a menu (3 dots) per row with "edit draft, copy gc-code, open in external browser ..."

The problem in my opinion is that every app that has implemented this had their own solutions, not communication with each other. Neongeo had their solution. C:geo has their own as well right? The question is how useful this would be, how many geocachers are there that live close enough to each other that uses GCDroid?

I like the concept as well otherwise, I have had it turned on in other apps.

What about exporting the gc-codes only for each DB, and then be able to import them again? That's the only state that could be of interest to export isn't it? This could be an optional part of the backup/import process?

On the other hand, not sure what the use case is, except for when upgrading your smartphone. If there are other/more use cases, it might be worth more energy.