Your comments

sorry but that does not help me much. what cache?

and if possible a full screenshot. Why would it look like that? that is MANY lines of hint... never seen before.

anyways, knowing the gccode would make it easier

Thanks for the report. Fixed in RC4

there are many valid reasons for a refresh. but I realized I could simply add a yes/no dialog to confirm the refresh. that way an accidental click will not do damage

definitely... was on my list from day one and dropped the ball here.

@sernikk: impressive write-up. This makes it very easy for me to understand the issue and then fix it. Thank you very much for taking the time to do this!

I already had started working on a redo of logging with images. I think I noticed this bug and I will likely have a fix soon.

it will NOT be in 2.3.0 since that is basically ready and I don't want to hold it up. my plan is to have this fixed in 2.3.1

I actually had done something 2 years ago. never made it in.... let's bump this up....

coming in V2.3.0

coming in the next version. closing. @Dick @Carsten could not have done this without you!