Your comments

ja und nein... da gibt es viele pro und kontra.

schauen wir mal was die user sagen

duplicate, but YES :-)

Funny, but this is NOT a bug :-)

Well, not a bug in GCDroid at least.

API returns:

"hasSolutionChecker": true,

So the 'bug' is in the listing. Seems like either CO has some checkbox set wrong or HQ is sending wrong data.

In either case, API tells me there is a checker, so I show that.

One COULD report that cache to HQ but not sure worth the effort.

Closing as 'no bug'

can you share the gc-code of that cache? does it stay like that after refresh?

can you reproduce the issue? if so, the more details I can get the better.

if many steps are involved a video works best.


well, currently, creating an enable listing draft or log will not change the cache state. Same for disable or archive.

should i mark it as disabled even though it's only draft?

same like before 😊. Should work

sorry to say but there is no competition 😂😂😂.

that being said, i know what's wrong and I'll fix it.

it's a simple GCDroid bug.

provide the gpx please. Could be issue in that file.