
Recent Cache List

DOC-WHO 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 3

GCDROID  would  remember  and  store  in  a  list  or  Possibly  the database  section  each  and  every  cache ..

- selected  on  a  map  (optional long press?)

- selected in a list or db

- opened or viewed

And then be easily acessable with a Recent Cache option in a menu,  as  well  as  the  database  section.



actually will close this one instead since the other one is closer to what I want to implement.

Closing, please follow topic here: https://gcdroid.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/59-transfer-from-old-wishlist-history-of-the-last-viewed-geocaches


I thought this topic existed already? Maybe not, quick search did not show it.

Plan is to remember the following:

Caches where details were opened

Caches that were selected on map with 'Goto' (showing blue line)

I tap on many caches on the map and I don't want to remember them. 'Recent' as in 'recently viewed' implies that the user can not add to this list via selection. GCDroid will decide what counts as viewed (see above).

I plan this feature as described in this note.


actually will close this one instead since the other one is closer to what I want to implement.

Closing, please follow topic here: https://gcdroid.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/59-transfer-from-old-wishlist-history-of-the-last-viewed-geocaches