
Import Virtual GPS list from Project-GC

magma1447 6 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 6 years ago 12

Implement a way to import Virtual GPS lists directly from Project-GC. This would be very similar to importing Bookmark lists from Geocaching.com.

Three things required:

1) Under settings somewhere, a field to add a Project-GC access token.

2) Using an API method to retrieve all Virtual GPS lists (id, name) the user has.

3) Be able to fetch all cacheIds or Gccodes from a specific Virtual GPS id.

I haven't tested the "Import bookmark list", but I assume it fetches the cache data itself after it has the list of geocaches. It would have to be the same way here since Project-GC ain't allowed to send the cache details to another partner.



implemented... :-)

Under review

I guess I have to contact Project-GC for that! I love the idea... :-)

Let's see if I can get something worked out.

I'll update this when I know more...

There is no API method for it now, but I can throw the first version together in an hour or two. I have prepared a bit for third party api functions by already having access tokens available. Then making two api functions shouldn't take much time if we leave error handling for a second phase.

Just get back to me when you feel that you are ready to look into it, then we can make some form of spec together.

Note to self: When fetching lists the response should include id and name (as mentioned in original post), but also number of geocaches of course.

Guess we just continue via email :-)

PS: I'm ready :-)

oh and I would not need the cache name, only gccode. all the rest will be pull from gc.com


I was talking about the name of the Virtual GPS (in the above case).

I'll create the basics for the two required API methods and get back to you via email. If not later today (already 7 pm here), then tomorrow.


I have a working draft :-)


Das hört sich spannend an. Könntet ihr kurz auf Deusch schreiben, was hier vorgesehen ist? Geht es um eine Schnittstelle zu Project GC und die Überführung der Virtual GPS-Liste nach GCDroid als Datenbank ohne Medienbrüche?


ja genau, direkt Virtual GPS-Listen nach GCDroid importieren....


Da muss ich wohl meine Bezahl-Mitgliedschaft bei Project GC wieder aufleben lassen... TOP


implemented... :-)

Sind das Datenbanken in der App, die später auch als GPX zum Teilen angeboten werden können, damit z.B. später auch das Garmin Gerät bespielt werden kann?

Oder aktuell schon mit andern Datenbanken in der App gemischt werden können?

genau, wird ganz normal in ne Datenbank kopiert. Wie PQ und BM, usw.