
Summarize the text of Listing with AI

Hanshans 10 months ago updated by GCDroid Support 8 months ago 2

Summarize the text of Listing with AI, so I have all important things fast.



Any AI service I know if requires some sort of payment from the user (me). I don't see the big value in that right now.
I understand the hype over AI. But unless there are FREE options I am not willing to invest the time into this.

Closing for now.

I can see why you would want to summarise a cache description, but doubt AI could do it successfully.

I think the ability to Highlight text of your choosing in the cache description might be a good alternative.


Ths Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Dog.

Image 392


Any AI service I know if requires some sort of payment from the user (me). I don't see the big value in that right now.
I understand the hype over AI. But unless there are FREE options I am not willing to invest the time into this.

Closing for now.