Under review

Use multiple offline databases simultaneously

magma1447 6 years ago updated by Jürgen Kimmel (Lemmi1de) 4 years ago 13

A common use case (for me) is this:

A group of geocachers are out on a trip. They have a pre-compiled GPX file created via Project-GC or Geocaching.com. This contains all geocaches that they want to log during the trip. I myself might have an agenda of my own as well. That agenda might include geocaches that I would like to log, but aren't too important to the others. A new D/T combo for myself, a challenge, or something that others has already logged. If we are passing close enough to them it might be worth the extra stop.

This is why I would like to be able to use more than one offline database simultaneously. I can then have the "group list" enabled, and also at the same time see for example "my own needed D/T".

I would like the cache icons to have some form of indicator showing that they are from different lists, so that I can easily see which ones are the groups main goal. It could be color coding by adding circles around the cache icons or a small number in a corner.

In my opinion, 3-5 simultaneous lists should be enough. The first one selected of them is the most important to visually stick out from the others.

Under review

question would be how to visually mark them? feel free to attach a mockup screenshot with your idea. In general I do like the idea of more than one DB. Just the highlighting is what I am unsure about. But a screenshot can convince me :-)

I just installed the Beta and currently I am disliking the new cache icons (don't like them at Geocaching.com either). When I have gotten more used to them I will give it a try to screenshot and bring my painting skills into the mix. But I believe my creativity might be better when I am more used to the new design.

In my mind, it would have been easier with the old icons. They were very similar to those at Project-GC and Project-GC uses different background colors on for example Map Compare.

Attaching a screenshot from https://goo.gl/YcLvNk

The background colors could have been toned down a bit, or be transparent. But as I said, with the new icons, it's not as easy.

It takes a few moments to get used to the new icons... but I actually like them now :-)

I know it was easier before with white background. Maybe a color circle on the outside?


Color circle on the outside was my alternative idea, even before I saw the new app. I even said so in the original post. :)

"It could be color coding by adding circles around the cache icons"

PS! I will not complain about the new cache icons the first months, I know I hate change... Everything takes time to get used to.


Looks nice, but maybe we don't need a difference, but it is a good idea the different colors.

For example in Locus all databases could be shown, but you can mark the databases that should shown. There is no difference in optik. But this could be a good idea in GCDroid.

In CacheSense (retired) there was this option to, to color different databases on the map.

I also miss those cachesense features.

Example of cachesense' icon  display.

Notably the Red Highlight, blue DNF,  archived and Yellow full member caches.

Hope this will come someday. 

Right now it helped me to load 2 offline databases at one time, so I don't have to switch between Germany and Danmark while caching in the borderline.

Right now I have to switch or copy one to the other.

So just a twist on this, several folks I know rename caches to allow smarter filtering and get information that is not available in a typical GPX transfer as fields may not be imported.  (as an example, counties in the US, reviewer, or placed month I commonly prepend.) This allows me to easily filter using the cache name after finding a cache that helps me with a challenge. This name editing will create an issue if cache name is used as a key and also which name to show.

Also another thought with the coloring is the original request asked about showing they are from different lists.  What about the case where a cache is in multiple lists and how to handle that?  

My workflow frequently has multiple lists for different challenges.  Combining them in a way that showed a cache was on 3 different lists would help me make progress on 3 challenges with one cache.  Filtering on that would also be nice.  

Just a quick comment, I prefer the c:geo approach to the cachesense approach as it shows me more information about different lists rather than picking just one.

 Show all data at once, and use the new colour feature to differentiate the database source by applying the colour to all caches in each database. 

Small comment from me in this case.

All databases work side by side and should be activated form user maybe via dropdown menu or so. 

Maybe you can show all databases on map in different color and the live database too with a special color to show the new caches that are sideloaded live.

So that wie don't have to switch if we don't want to. Everything is on place in the live map. 

Live Database should also be there I mean.