

magma1447 6 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 6 years ago 13

Store the geocachers position every minute or so and show as a trail on the map, with small dots. Probably only store the last hour. This should be something that can be turned on/off directly from the Map.

Most Garmin users I know uses the track feature in those GPS devices, and I know I did myself back in the days. I used it when using Neongeo as well.

This idea is 100% inspired by Garmin and Neongeo (obsolete app).



OK, so I have an implementation... couple questions...

How many 'datapoints' are a good value? currently sampling every 1s if distance is at least 1m.

3600 points/h. So 10000 points are about 3h.

How much tracking history is useful?

I guess there should be some limit.

What about opening/closing the map? I assume I would need to remember the track.

What about screen locked? Keep tracking? For how long? -> currently not tracking. would impact battery!

Many things to consider.

What does the author think? Or anyone that voted?

Under review

I know the feature and I always wanted to do that :-)

I like this idea. I'm concerned about battery consumption though. I use another app, A-GPS Tracker, when I need to make a track. The app is capable of running in the background while I'm using other apps. But this increases battery consumption dramatically. So, please, be cautious while implementing such a feature so that it doesn't kill my battery!


probably I would would do something like of course only track when I have gps data. And definitely with a toggle to disable.

Quick Save Waypoints is an alternative, perhaps they could be give n a short lifespan.

don't understand that to be honest but tracking and waypoint are rather different....

Rather  than  use  track  on  Garmin  or  other  app,  I've  often  used  the  Save  Waypoint  feature  instead.  Looks  more  like   bread  crumbs  than  a  red  track  line  going  through  a  bush  setting  for  example.  When  returning  along  the  route,  you  simply  follow  the  bread  crumbs  (several   Waypoints).   Once  returned  to  you  start  point,  simply  delete  those  waypoints.  If  Gcdroid  used  this  idea,  it  would  assign  an  expirey  date  to  the  "bread  crumb  waypoints".  I'm  just  thinking  it  may  save  valuable  programming  space/time.

The  beauty  if  Tracks  is  they  can  be  followed  firward  or  reverse.


A standard offline map has 10000s of lines, etc. so drawing a track with let's say the last 5000 points should be very easy.... 


OK, so I have an implementation... couple questions...

How many 'datapoints' are a good value? currently sampling every 1s if distance is at least 1m.

3600 points/h. So 10000 points are about 3h.

How much tracking history is useful?

I guess there should be some limit.

What about opening/closing the map? I assume I would need to remember the track.

What about screen locked? Keep tracking? For how long? -> currently not tracking. would impact battery!

Many things to consider.

What does the author think? Or anyone that voted?

Also, not using the NeonGeo dot concept... if tracking I want to see what points connect!

So more the Garmin concept of connected line


Can you make the number of points an option? Every 1s seems to be too much, but at highway speed (100km/h), that's nearly 28m between points. But at walking speeds, in 1s, I'm only going to move a couple of meters.

I would suggest every 6 seconds if you can't make it an option. 10 points per minute. For most purposes, that should be reasonably accurate - I think...?

well, I could make anything an option, as long as it is useful....


- max number of total points

- minimum time AND distance (never add point unless at least minimum time AND distance passed)

 - speed dependent options (complicated)

The location marker on the map updates with 1s/1m as limits

If the track does not follow the same it would look funny, unless I what I think Garmin does which is having the last segment of the track bounce around to wherever I am and then freeze it every x seconds and repeat with the next one,


current setup is sample every 1s and store the last 1200 which would be 20min

data is store in database. 5s after screen off/app switch tracking will stop...