
Coordinates format on copy from GCdroid

Brian Lang 5 years ago updated by Mozique Geo 4 years ago 4

I have been using GC Droid to hide geocaches recently. The coordinates that I copy from the app using the new add waypoint and average waypoint features have a forward slash between the northing and the westing. This character is not accepted in geocache coordinates. Could you please remove forward slash when copying coordinates from GC Droid.


will be fixed in 2.0.6

to be more precise, it is fixed in 2.0.5 if you copy from waypoint tab.

long press on location in overview tab is not fixed in 2.0.5 but 2.0.6


It would be appreciated if this could be added to all locations where you can copy coordinates including Waypoints created via the + button on the map.

I see that you can copy without slash at the waypoints tab, but than we have another problem, because in the Netherlands the E of east is an O of Oost. Thats the second 'obstacle'....for the converter or checker.