
Archived Caches

DOC-WHO 6 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 6 years ago 5

I  was  just  looking  for  geocaches I did 2 yrs ago and couldn't find them. It turned out that they have been archived, and GCDroid doesn't not show Archived caches?



then of course all works. Live map will not load archived. Explicit GC search so show it.

For me archived cache are shown.
Just tested ist with a cache, which was archived 2009.


Under review

API doesn't load archived 🙈. Did you user offline db? Or manual search....


Hmm, I searched for this GCCode, in the search field on the first side, where i also can search for name or adress

Made a new test, with a cache I never found, because it was archived, before I started caching.
So this cache is not in any db I have in GCDroid.
It is GCH82M and I can load it, over the search funktion.
Its now in the @search db :-)


then of course all works. Live map will not load archived. Explicit GC search so show it.