
deleting fieldnote will not reset find status of cache

GCDroid Support 6 years ago updated by Domien Van Rompaey 4 years ago 4

clear find status when deleting found draft

Das müsste gefixt ein, habe keine Probleme festgestellt, wenn ich die Ansicht aktualiisere. Kann geschlossen werden, oder?

Ist das Verahalten noch vorhanden, ggf. Ticket schließen?

I've had the same problem this weekend. (Still on 2.0.5)

Logged a cache by accident.

My fieldnotes upload automatically as draft so I cannot delete it from the GCDroid app (Feature Request! ;-))

I deleted the fieldnote from the Geocaching.com app, then deleted the cache from my database and refreshed it again.

It was still flagged as a "Find" in GCDroid

We were actually "forced" to go find it after that ;-)