
Eigener log hervorheben

Constantin Reiter 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 3 years ago 12

Bei gefundenen Geocaches, den eigene Log entweder als erstes im Logbuch anzeigen oder in den 'logs von Freunden' Tab mit hinzufügen :) 




Under review

interesting idea.. just keep in mind, I might not have your log loaded!

Ist es nicht möglich den Cache des jeweiligen Owners abzufragen? Auf gc.com kann man ja auf den eigenen Eintrag navigieren. Lässt das die API auch zu? Dann kann beim jeweiligen Laden der Cache Details auch der eigene Eintrag abgerufen werden.

API bietet das nicht an... und alle logs zu laden ist zu viel! Wir haben 30000+ finds und bestimmt nochmal 5000+ andere logs!

If my own log is loaded, please show it at the top of Friends Logs maybe? If someone calls or text me about help with a cache I logged, being able to quickly find what I wrote myself is a way of taking my mind back in time to when I logged the cache.

I dont think that GCDroid must do anything about that, because Groundspeak is offering it already.
Download the "My Finds" Pocket Query, put it in a db and you have all caches you found, with your logs.
Thats the way I handle it.

I am not quite sure I see how that helps me find my log quicker than scrolling through all the logs? How do I see which date I logged the cache, so I know how far I should scroll, to begin with? The issue is not seeing which caches I have logged. I already have a GC code at this stage.


I think it's a simple misunderstanding due to language issues...

The request is to show your own log as the first entry under the friends tab (if own log is loaded).

The purpose is for quick access to own log. I think this is not a bad idea.

I get calls from people and having my own log handy is nice.

So I would NOT load any data for this, simply show it in an easy way if available.

In the "My Finds" PQ, is only your log, if you look at a cache.

True, but we have 34000+ finds and I don't want to run that query :-)

I still it's nice. I might be out with a friend or whatever it might be. Just like friends logs, my log is important enough to go there :-)

I have that "My Finds" db allways on my phone and update it frequently, when I am at home.
The Idee was not to load it in the field.
If a friend calls me about help with a cache, it took me only some seconds to answer him.

müsste in 2.0.6  umgesetzt sein

