
Zooming of live map depending on speed

Jürgen Kimmel (Lemmi1de) 5 years ago updated by GCDroid Support 5 years ago 1

Zooming of live map depending of driving speed. I mean if you drive fast it zooms out and if you drive slow it zooms in. Maybe with a button to turn it on or off.

So I don't have to zoom manually, when I am on a geocaching tour with my car. Use this in another geocaching app and I think this could be a great feature of driving with livemap view. And you don't need to zoom manually the map, cause this could be dangerous.

It should work like a navigation app like google maps.



I am pretty sure this is a duplicate of another point that was already discussed. While it sounds nice and easy it requires quite some logic to implement this smoothly. The benefits are not really worth the effort.

Pretty sure I said NO the first time and sticking with a NO the second time around.

There are some many great ideas posted here that I need to focus on what I feel is useful and gives the best return for my time.

After all, doubt anyone is willing to pay for a feature like that...


I am pretty sure this is a duplicate of another point that was already discussed. While it sounds nice and easy it requires quite some logic to implement this smoothly. The benefits are not really worth the effort.

Pretty sure I said NO the first time and sticking with a NO the second time around.

There are some many great ideas posted here that I need to focus on what I feel is useful and gives the best return for my time.

After all, doubt anyone is willing to pay for a feature like that...